Saturday, September 1, 2012

Back to Art School - Cow Sketches and Moo-re!

It feels great to be back at CCAD for the year! I am really stoked on all of my classes, especially Animation II - our first assignment was to create a main-character for our 20-30 second short that we will be working on throughout the year (something that is fairly new to the curriculum... and I couldn't be more excited about). We were told to play with shape variations and think about how different shapes translate to personality. I chose this hard-cow character I've been playing with this summer, since I think she would be hugely fun to animate. The next assignment is to create a rough, first-pass storyboard - expect an updated post about all of that jazz in the near future!

I've got a new blog for my Cafe Sketch class,, and I also am taking an Illustration class... which means I am going to be updating me CCAD Digication site. That thing sure needs a revamp (hopefully me posting this here will help me remember to get on it, asap)

Also, below are a few things I was working on even though I should really just be committing to homework. On the left piece: I saw a poster for a call for "Riot-Girl"-type artwork, that will published in some publication - I thought,  "Why not?" so I started a quick piece that quotes the Sonic Youth song, "Kissability". On the right, I have a piece I'd been working on in a handful of iterations before school started - a quick little advertisement that I thought might be a little plug that could maybe help  keep my design/commission skills sharp while I'm in school. That being said, I have had many people contacting me about lyric-videos: things I really wish I could dedicate the time to, but unfortunately, school really has to come first. I am taking on one of those projects at a time, and am limiting myself to working on them an hour a day.

"Baby shoes: for sale, never worn." -Ernest Hemingway
One of my teachers told us about this short-story Hemingway wrote. The words are simple words someone in grade school easily could write, yet they have such an impact and tell such a complex story. I've been really thinking of it, and definitely think I'll be applying it to life a handful of times this semester. Also - this week, never have I ever seen the CCAD Auditorium so jam-packed as it was the night we all were listening to Stefan Sagmeister talking. It was incredibly inspiring, and I look forward to "The Happy Film".

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