Sunday, June 30, 2013

Selfie Sunday #1: High School Sarah

Last Sunday, I did a small photoshop sketch - it was refreshing to take a break from more underdeveloped sketching and animating. I decided: why not do something every Sunday?
I also decided: why not play up that obnoxious Instagram hashtag, #selfiesunday? So here is the first of many more this month: say hello to high-school senior Sarah. It's been awhile.


Senior year of high school, my small-town, public district decided to implement a dress code. I wore band buttons and got my gauges to size 0, I got in trouble with a pink streak in my black/white hair, I wore tight black pants with a studded belt and converse shoes... of course. Oh, the "scene" days of seventeen. At least I kept it classy with some Arizona tea almost all of the time.

Sketch ATTACK! #4

Here's more sketches - this bunch is the start of the sketchbook I started this summer.
Mostly friends, a few sketches from the Posemaniac's app.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sketch ATTACK! #3

Sketches from last semester and the beginning of the summer - life drawings, random drawings, and drawings from the app for iPhone!

Friday, June 28, 2013

Sketch ATTACK! #2

Here's the 2nd of 3 sketches from the second half of last semester and the beginning of this summer. Once school let out, I downloaded a free figure-drawing tool app ( and have been using it often. I recommend it to anyone who wants to do some figure drawing whenever they have a quick minute!

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Sketch ATTACK! #1

Today I spent about an hour scanning 1 and 1/2 of my sketchbooks that haven't seen a scanner yet. The first one was the second half of my last semester, and the second book is the one I've started at the beginning of this summer. Here we go. Lots of sketches to post - I'm going to space them out in a handful of chunks over the next few days.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

I'm Still Alive - Pig Turnarounds + Backgrounds

June has been busy with CCAD Orientation-Leading, starting a new part-time job, and drawing.

I made it a goal to finish my HARDCOW short, and I'm sticking to it. Here's a turnaround of the pig that GOES HAM! in my short. The last scene I need to animate is one which involves this fella and our star cow dancing head-to-head: which I gathered some long-awaited reference for, thanks to my boyfriend and another one of our friends who is actually very talented at hardcore dancing!

Ah, why not. Here's a slight bit of proof of reference:
Happy Violence from Jon and Ben!

Here's a handful of the backgrounds I have been creating. When I animated for class, I had basic background layouts that I planned to follow until I finally got around to making backgrounds. I plan on approaching backgrounds very differently (sooner!!) next time around - it's funny that after doing it super-backwards, I have really learned from the challenge of "dealing with what you already have" - they are simple and angular (to contrast VS the organic characters), made in Illustrator.

Soon, I'll be updating with a stupid-big sketch post to catch up with sketches from the last semester (!) as well as the sketchbook I started at the beginning of this summer.