Sunday, September 1, 2013

Weapons of Mass Creation 4 - Sketchy Notes

A few Saturdays ago Jon and I headed up to Cleveland for Weapons of Mass Creation. It was a totally worthwhile experience - not only did I get lots of free stickers out of it, but I got a wave of motivation just in time for senior year. We were listening to speeches from design professionals all day!

The speech that spoke to me the most was by Alonzo Felix (the first page of notes here). He described how design is related to things such as architecture, food, film-making, and music. In regards to music, he mentioned a quote by an improv Jazz musician: "Music doesn't come from music, that's like saying babies come from babies." He related it back to design (and to art as a whole, for that matter) - we are constantly influenced by all that we experience, even more importantly, those experiences that are separate from our "work". Those individual experiences will give us our own unique voice over time.

Another extremely moving speech was by Jen Adrion and Omar Noory of These Are Things (mostly drawn on my second page of notes), discussing the ups and downs of surviving as a designer - a much needed perspective I feel for anyone who is trying to "break in". The talk was highly anticipated by Jon and I, considering these young designers are CCAD alumni. We had the chance to talk to them afterward, too, which was definitely one of the best moments from the weekend.

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